Our Tools
We embrace academic and cocurricular activities in enhancing comprehensive learning through our state of the art classrooms and qualified teaching and support staff in ensuring the wellbeing of the pupils and students across our campuses.
Trending Courses
Tailored inline with the Ministry of Education and Sports curriculum
Books & Library
To aid research and self-studies
Certified Teachers
Ready to positively impact the lives of the pupils and students
Magnificent structures
To accommodate our students and pupils
Our Campuses
Eden Nursery and Primary School
Our admissions for the 2025 academic year are ongoing.
We are a home to your child’s personal and academic wellbeing.
“Prepared For Success”
Eden Junior Nursery and Primary School
Our admissions for the 2025 academic year are ongoing.
We are a home to your child’s personal and academic wellbeing.
“Be The Best”
Eden Joy Nursery and Primary School
Our admissions for the 2025 academic year are ongoing.
We are a home to your child’s personal and academic wellbeing.
Global Eden Secondary School
Our admissions for the 2025 academic year are ongoing.
We are a home to your child’s personal and academic wellbeing.
“Rise Above Circumstances”
About Eden Schools
Founded in 2008 from humble beginnings, Eden Schools is a unique academic institution dedicated to transforming the narrative of education through promoting, adopting, and providing context-specific quality educational services with an emphasis on innovation and creativity to prepare pupils and students to serve the world best given the constantly changing global dynamics regarding economies, health, technology, human rights, climate, education, and social interactions.
Over the years, Eden Schools has grown from having Eden Nursery and Primary School to Eden Junior Nursery and Primary School, Eden Joy Nursery and Primary School, and Global Eden Secondary School all mixed Day and Boarding schools privately initiated but meant to operate under the guidelines of the Ministry of Education and Sports to increase access to quality education for people locally, regionally, and internationally.
Eden Nursery and Primary School is a mixed Day and Boarding school privately was initiated in 2008 after research to determine the cause of poor academic performance in PLE in Koboko District was carried out by the Director. These findings led to putting in place factors that could improve performance and the subsequent establishment of the school in 2008 by Mr. Dimba David Kenyi with wide and enriched teaching and leadership experience. The school is barely sixteen (16) years old and popularly known for its academic performance right from its inception to date. It has a clean track record of academic performance and this was the purpose for which the school was initiated. It will continue to have steady healthy competition with other institutions both within and outside West Nile. At Eden, we encourage character development in our children through God-fearing, self-discipline, integrity, hard work, smartness, and time management. The school is an inter-denominational religious school where faith is addressed and God-fearing culture is impacted in the children.
School Vision
To be a leading provider of quality nursery, and primary and secondary education in the West Nile region.
School Mission
To produce children who are able to meet the challenges of the time with courage and confidence through a child-centered approach.
School Motto
Prepared for Success.
School Core Values
Time management
God fearing
Hard work
Our Slogan
Eden Is Unique
Eden Nursery and Primary school shall be holding the 16th graduation this year, 2024.
Following the completion of the new building herein pictured, it shall be officially commissioned.
Nov, 2024
Commissioning of Eden Junior main building
Following the completion of the new building herein pictured, it shall be officially commissioned.
Nov, 2024
Eden Nursery and Primary school shall be holding the 16th graduation this year, 2024.
Our Partners
Power Plus Textiles
Bank of Africa
Bank of Africa
Human Integrity Organization
Mr. Dimba David Kenyi
Our Heart felt gratitude goes to our founder whose dedication and resilience brought us this far.